Digital Technology Disruption in retail, AUTOMOTIVE and LOGISTICS
Disruptive innovation: Mobile commerce Phase 2: Players and Disruptive Innovators
With the change to Mobile Commerce the change in retail, logistics and auto industry is evident. Still each industry sector tries to prevail
in historical achievements and its competencies and monopolistic market domination strategies. Retail in bricks & and mortar is already falling, prevailers are loosing daily, trying to catch
up with outdated digital strategies, defending their kingdoms of customers and market shares. But they are set to loose as the Mobile Commerce requires a disruptive innovation approach, which
most companies are not ready and not able to take.
Amazon and the Tech market leaders are gaining daily ground on old fashioned retail. Their radical customer centric mobile Commerce
approach outpaces in speed, customer intimacy, availability and assortment of the retailer, who hopes that with good marketing and advertising, reputation and store service people will come to
the store and will honor fidelity and buy where they where able to touch the products for 20 years. The retailer still battling (or maintaining) with old fashioned ideals working on
"implementing his additional online business" is not even realizing that the next stage of battle in Mobile Commerce is already on the horizon.
The innovators Apple, Google, Amazon, the Tech Stars in the World are focusing on Mobility in Mobile Commerce and
Retail-, Logistics- and Automotive Industries have no answer, try to cover up or develop cartel or business monopoly defense strategies.
Mobility in Mobile Commerce will lead to multiple waves of disruptive innovations and offers a extension of innovation
strategies, which can even bypass the Tech Dominators.
But as Michael Gorbatschow said "Those coming late will be punished by life". All indicators show that the success path of the Innovators is
continuing and Retail, Automotive and Logistics Industry Sectors will be slaughtered, rebuilt, reinvented by those who are not depending on old fashioned thinking and business
The retailer in bricks and mortar wants to get customers into his store, even with online sales. He has a long term, old fashioned alliance
with the auto industry, that each car drives un-utilized with 100-400 % additional capacity to the store to shop, showing is brand new car, with beautiful features and horse powers. The retailer
has a long term, old fashioned alliance with logistics and global supply chain manfacturers that every store is filled from cheap global supply chain origins, with lowest costs and nice branding
of often unhealthy products like Nutella or Kellogg's. Logistics has a long term alliance with current online stores to ship millions of cartons to millions of customers from central warehouses,
repacking products and shipments multiple times.
Nobody in these 3 industries wants Local or Regional Mobility Solutions in Mobile Commerce as everybody will loose heavily in a New market
approach based on its old fashioned business strategies and market shares.
The DISRUPTOR attack (maybe "raptor"-attack) starts with technology innovation: the Electric Car is used in a step by
step approach by innovative disruptors to prove the change and readiness in a new Mobility driven Mobile Commerce world. Nobody believes that the small and beautiful start ups like Tesla or NIO
(small is relative) will change or beat the auto giants with better mass car production. With the "New Hope" of Global change agents, disrupters.... they will change the Mobility Systems
of today with new E-Car solutions, outperforming, disrupting the traditional industries and: change the retail - logistics - Manufacturing - Automotive old fashioned
The electric car is ready to compete with the old benzine or diesel technology, maybe loosing in reach and with "still" difficulties in battery performance. But the electric car will win with breaking the monopoly of retail, car and logistics mass production based on multiple wave disruptions, changing a car to an E-AUTO mobility product, a new Solution = Product, which we urgently need, humanity was not able to create in the past and maybe the monopolists try to cut out for decades (originally starting in the carbon fossile industry conglomerates).
The E-Auto Mobility product will change retailing, car manufacturing and logistics. It will be a Key Enabler to foster Omni Channel Solutions, offer creative individualized service, gain time for everybody for 2-4 hours per day, build safer and more beautiful infrastructure and help the environment on earth to redesign our world.
The E-Auto Mobility product will most probably grow fastest in India and China. It will change most probable the industrialization of the world, moving economies even more from West to East.
The story and the impact of the E-Auto Mobility Product will not only relate to "cars" but to the Value Chain in Mobility driven Mobile Commerce. The E-AUTO Mobility Product is one important part of the value chain.
Copyright DSCEGlobal
Dietmar Jobst

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